About us
Calls and Visits is an entirely voluntary charity founded in 2020 with the aim of befriending isolated people in the area of Fleet, Hampshire. Our mission is simple: less loneliness.
Many people find it hard to leave home due to mobility issues or frailty and have little contact with the outside world. Volunteers will call or visit on a regular basis to chat over a cup of tea or play a board game. This offers the vital social interaction that is so important for mental wellbeing, but is hard to access if leaving the house is difficult or impossible.
If you’d like to refer someone to our service, become a befriender or help with administration please call 07795 931062 or email us at CallsAndVisits@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!
Part of the Good Neighbours Network - Charity No. 1145162

07795 931062